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natural beauty
Hair Removal
By Michelle Fouchi Esneault
sed by the Per-
sians since 1900
BC, sugar waxing,
Uor “sugaring”
offers a simple and safe way
to get your skin smooth and
hair-free naturally. Unlike
harsh, chemical-based
traditional waxing products
that can cause inflammation, juice and water, stirring to
redness and irritation, there combine. Bring to a light
are no side effects to sugar boil stirring frequently.
waxing and you probably 2) Reduce heat to medi-
already have everything you um until the mixture comes
need in your kitchen. to a simmer. Continue to
The all-natural ingredi- stir until the sugar is com-
ents cost pennies, it is easy pletely dissolved, making
to clean up with warm sure it doesn’t boil over.
water, it’s earth-friendly and 3) Pull it off the heat
it’s less painful and irritating as soon as it turns a light
because it sticks to your hair honey color or 260 degrees
and not your skin making it Fahrenheit which is the
perfect for sensitive skin. hardball stage on a candy
Sugar wax is made with thermometer. It will con-
three simple ingredients: tinue to darken as it cools
• 1 cup granulated and change to a thick, honey
white or brown sugar consistency.
• ¼ cup lemon juice Whatever you do, don’t carefully and do not use with either your fingers or a
• ¼ cup warm water burn it! Burnt sugar will until barely warm or room wooden popsicle stick in the
1) Add sugar to a heavy harden when it cools and
bottomed, medium-sized be unusable. If it burns, temperature. opposite direction of hair
4) Once cooled, knead
pot. Then, add the lemon start over. Warning! Hot
sugar will burn. Handle the mixture by the handful 6) Remove by grasping
until completely smooth. If the wax and pulling off in
it’s too runny, cook for an- a quick movement across
other two to four minutes, your leg, towards the direc-
then try again. tion of hair growth, keeping
5) Place the cooled your skin taut with your
mixture into a bowl then other hand. Re-roll the wax
scoop up a small amount and use again until no longer
with your fingers and roll sticky. After waxing, rinse
there are no
into a ball with your hands. area with warm water and
side effects
Apply to your skin in a small apply a natural moisturizer.
to sugar
strip, about ¼ inch thick The treatment lasts up to
and a few inches in length, two weeks.
12 INSPIRE HEALTH January § February