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Enhancing Beauty,


               Symmetry and Balance                                      ASK THE SK THE ALLERGISTALLERGISTALLERGISTALLERGIST

                             By Carlos Wolf, M.D.
                                                                     F F
                                                                     Featuring eaturing eaturing
                                                                     Adriana Bonansea Francesdriana Bonansea Frances,
                        cientific studies have suggested symmetry and   A
                        balance of the face play a vital role in our per-  MD, PhD
                        ceptions of attractiveness, perhaps because it
                        suggests good health and strong, well-balanced
               Sgenes. So, when aesthetic treatments or plastic      “Symptoms of allergies and a cold can
                surgery are overdone and throw off facial symmetry, the   be very confusing, but seek the help of
                result may be negative rather than positive. I often see
                lips and cheeks that are over plumped and unnatural, and,   an allergist for the appropriate diagnosis
                therefore, unattractive. Remember, lips should not walk in   and treatment.”
                the door before the person does and friends should not
                be unrecognizable. Maybe it’s time for a rebalancing act in
                aesthetic medicine.                                  IS IT A COLD
                   In my opinion, aesthetic and surgical treatments are   OR AN ALLERGY?
                about balancing and enhancing the natural features that
                give each person individual beauty. If you seek aesthetic   Who doesn’t get at least one cold in the winter? The CDC confirms that adults catch an
                                                                     average of two to three colds per season, children many more and they may be seamlessly
                treatments, the process should begin with an evaluation   going from one cold to another making the diagnosis confusing. It is estimated that 50
                by a highly experienced, board-certified physician. The   million people in the US suffer from at least one type of allergy. The chances to encounter
                consultation should include a discussion of your goals   someone with cold-like symptoms are high this season, but cold and allergies are different
                and various treatment options, including non-surgical and   conditions, caused by different factors and as such must be tested, diagnosed and treated
                surgical procedures. If possible, computer imaging can be   by the right physician.
                used to preview how the enhancements will look on your   Similarities & Differences
                face. Once treatments begin, I recommend taking it slow   The duration of your symptoms is a good indicator if one is suffering from allergies rather
                to achieve a natural look that pleases both you and your   than a cold. If symptoms persist for 7 to 10 days the CDC considers it a cold, since allergies
                                                                     are consistent, fluctuates with the seasons and are prompted by exposure to the allergen,
                physician. Finally, take photos of yourself before beginning   especially if they are environmental. The chart below can help you identify the differences
                treatment, so you can refer to your starting point and   between the 2 conditions.
                ensure the procedures are enhancing your looks rather
                than detracting from your natural beauty.                  SYMPTOMS    ALLERGIES      COLD
                   If you catch yourself saying about a friend, “I can’t
                believe he/she looks that way,” then it’s time to take your   Fever      No          Sometimes
                friend aside and politely advise that he/she look at old   Headache    Common        Sometimes
                photos and get back on the road to rebalancing beauty       Cough      Sometimes     Frequent
                on the inside and out. I realize this may not be easy, but   Sore Throat   Uncommon  Common
                good friends don’t let friends look unattractive!         Stuffy Nose    Yes           Yes

                                                                           Sneezing      Yes           Yes
                                                                           Frequency  Recurrent, Seasonal  3 to 4 times a year
                             Dr. Carlos Wolf is a partner at Miami Plastic
                             Surgery and is board certified. For more           Leading allergy & asthma practice
                                                                                in South Florida established in 1974.
                             information, email cwolf@miamiplasticsur-
                   , call 305-595-2969, visit www.          Board certified physicians with extensive
                    or follow Dr. Wolf         experience treating children & adults.
          | 1.877.4.ALLERGY                    17 conveniently located offices in Miami Dade,
                             on Instagram @carloswolfmd.
                                            (1.877.4.255.3749)                   Broward and Palm Beach Counties

                                                                     To schedule an appointment call  1-877-4-ALLERGY or visit
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