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THE BEST TREATMENT                a stretched dock line holding a boat   shown.”  Dr. Sepulveda said.  “There is a
                 Urogynecologist Jaime Sepulveda   a float, it will easily sink with weight. A   possibility that mesh midurethral slings
              M.D. has successfully treated more than   miduretrhal sling replaces the stretched   may no longer be produced because of
              2,000 women suffering from stress uri-  or broken supporting structure of the   a type of litigation that has a disconnect
              nary incontinence using a device known   urethra, the tube valve that keeps urine   from the current medical and scientific
              as the mesh midurethral sling. The sling   in the bladder.”         evidence.”
              is placed using local anesthesia during a   As recently as the 1980s, the   Synthetic midurethral slings are the
              25-minute outpatient procedure.    primary treatment for stress urinary   current clinical standard for the treat-
                 According to Dr. Sepulveda, the   incontinence was placing sutures at the   ment of urinary stress incontinence. The
              American Urogynecologic Society and   junction of the urethra and bladder, a   use of midurethral polypropylene im-
              nine other worldwide medical organi-  very sensitive area. This required general   plant is supported by over 2000 medi-
              zations concerned with female pelvic   anesthesia, an abdominal incision and a   cal studies and the prestigious Cochrane
              medicine, the mesh midurethral sling is   lengthy recovery period.  Not only was   Scientific Collaboration (cochrane.
              the safest, most effective and durable   there a risk of complications from this   org). As with other implants used in
              treatment for stress urinary inconti-  major surgery, in some cases the sutures   the human body to replace defective
              nence.                            caused obstructions, difficult urination   tissue or a broken structure a risk of
                 “Cure is more important than   and contributed to bladder overactivity.   revision exist with synthetic midurethral
              improvement” explained Dr. Sepulve-  Unfortunately, new problem of urinary   slings. Revision is the professional term
              da.  “The highest level of medical-sci-  frequency, urgency and incomplete blad-  used to describe a reintervention for a
              entific evidence demonstrates that in   der emptying were created complicating   surgical procedure or an implant. It is a
              the treatment of clinically confirmed   the treatment of the initial issue.   risk that exists even if your own tissue is
              urinary stress incontinence conservative   The solution was straight out of   used. When studied at 10 years, the risk
              treatments such as pelvic floor exercises   “Back to the Future.” Polypropylene   of requiring a midurethral sling revised
              and behavior modification will only im-  sutures had been widely used in   is as low as 2%-3%. For comparison,
              prove the condition, whereas the mesh   operating rooms for 50 years. A finely   joint replacements have a 6 % to 12%
              midurethral sling will cure it. After more   knitted mesh sling was invented using   rate of revision and breast implants are
              than 2,000 documented studies, the   the suture material and found to be   revised at rates over 25%.
              science is crystal clear on the efficacy,   well tolerated by patients, safe and   Patients suffering from stress urinary
              durability and safety of midurethral syn-  durable. Studies and more studies were   incontinence should prepare ahead of
              thetic slings for the treatment of urinary   conducted, all finding the mesh midure-  their consultation in order to have a
              stress incontinence.”             thral slings to be the safest and most   relevant, evidence based conversation
                 In fact, there have been more stud-  effective treatment option. Studies were   about their surgical options. Profes-
              ies completed on the mesh midurethral   undertaken to unprecedented quality,   sional societies such as the sites of the
              sling than almost any other medical   scrutiny and follow up. The most recent   American Urogynecologic Society, The
              procedure in history. And in 2016, the   ones evaluate the experience seventeen   American Urological Association, The
              American Urogynecologic Society is-  years after the initial surgery.   International Urogynecologic Asso-
              sued a statement touting the procedure                              ciation and the Cochrane library are
              as the safest and most effective treat-  SHOW ME THE FACTS          reliable sources conversation.  “Your
              ment for stress urinary incontinence.  In the past, American consum-  surgeon’s experience and expertise
                                                ers were barraged by media reports   matters” Dr. Sepulveda said. “The way
              UNDERLYING ISSUES AND             of problems with mesh midurethral   to preserve and improve our current
              EARLY TREATMENT                   slings. Although there are risks with   clinical standards is through an evidence
                 While a number of common factors   all continence surgical procedures, Dr.   based approach, we are all part of the
              can be responsible for stress urinary   Sepulveda says that clinical evidence   process, patients, scientists and health
              incontinence, including advancement in   should be the basis of a decision on   professionals. We do not want to imag-
              age, a history of multiple natural child-  the type of treatment of urinary stress   ine going back to the old treatments
              births and obesity, some women find   incontinence. “A television commercial   where the risk of complications is
              that mundane activities such as sneezing,   from a law firm explaining the poten-  higher, the efficacy is lower and recovery
              coughing and laughing can cause urine   tial risk of any type of intervention is   longer, based on anecdotes or a lack of
              leakage.                          not news and definitely not medically   knowledge of the reliable medical and
                 “Simply explained, when pressure   sound, regardless of how many times is   scientific evidence available today.”
              is exerted on the bladder through
              activities ranging from a simple sneeze   Dr. Jaime Sepulveda’s practice is located at 6200 Sunset Drive, Suite 504,
              to a good exercise session, urine can   in South Miami. For more information, call 305-669-6267 or visit
              leak out through a poorly supported
              urethra,” said Dr. Sepulveda. “Think of

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