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Providing Cutting-Edge Care to Adults and Children
         with Allergic and Immunologic Disorders

            I am delighted to have joined the won-  diseases block specific mediators in the   If you are tired
         derful team at Asthma and Allergy Asso-  allergic and inflammatory pathways. With   of your allergies or
         ciates of Florida and be part of the South   a thorough history, exam and evaluation,   asthma getting in
         Florida medical community. My interest in   allergists can determine which targeted   the way of your life, please contact
         the field of allergy and immunology began   therapy is best for their patients.   our office to schedule a consultation. I take
         during my pediatrics residency while caring   Most asthmatics are sensitized to envi-  pride in keeping up with the most up-to-
         for children with asthma, eczema and food   ronmental allergens that trigger shortness   date innovations in my specialty to care for
         allergies. Allergists have the unique ability   of breath, cough and wheezing. For several   my patients.
         to provide medical care for pediatric and   years, allergists have used a medication that   Dr. Ari Zelig is a native of Memphis,
         adult patients suffering from disorders that   blocks IgE, the allergic antibody responsible   Tennessee. He earned his undergraduate
         have a combination of both genetic and   for worsening asthma and allergy symp-  degree at Emory University and attended
         environmental factors. Allergic diseases can   toms. It has improved the lives of hundreds   the Sackler School of Medicine/Tel Aviv
         cause a significant impairment in patients’   of thousands of patients and also is indicat-  University. He completed a Pediatrics
         lives and have serious psychosocial implica-  ed for patients living with chronic hives.   residency at Mount Sinai Hospital in New
         tions as well.                         In recent years, drugs that target   York and pursued his Allergy and Immu-
            There have been many new and     specific white blood cells called eosinophils   nology fellowship at Montefiore Medical
         exciting advances in the field of allergy,   have been approved for the treatment   Center in Bronx, New York. During his
         most notably the development of novel   of asthma. Eosinophils lead to airway   medical training, Dr. Zelig’s research focus
         biologic agents to treat conditions such as   inflammation and worsening respiratory   was pediatric food allergies and he is a
         asthma, hives and eczema. Until recently,   symptoms. These new drugs have been   lecturer on advanced biological treatment
         patients with asthma were all treated very   shown to improve quality of life, decrease   for asthma and hives. He is board certified
         similarly. We now understand that there   asthma attacks and improve lung function.   in General Pediatrics as well as Allergy
         are subtypes of asthmatics with different   The newest drug to be approved for the   and Immunology. Dr. Zelig is a member of
         underlying causes of their condition. New   treatment of asthma shows similar results   several professional medical societies.
         medications approved for the treatment   and also is indicated for patients with   To make an appointment call our
          Asthma & Allergy- Inspire.qxp_Layout 1  6/20/18  1:25 PM  Page 1
         of poorly controlled asthma and allergic   severe eczema.                office or vist


                                                                                       ALLERGIC RHINITIS
                                                                                       FOOD ALLERGY
                                                                                       A A
                                                                                       ATTOPIC DERMATATA ITIS
                                                                                       CHRONIC COUGH
                                                                                       DRUG ALLERGY
                                                                                       RECURRENT INFECTIONS
                                                                                       INSECT ALLERGY
                                                                                       CONTATAT CT DERMATATA ITIS

                    Miami-Dade: 305-595-0109 | Broward: 954-753-5770 | Palm Beach: 561-368-2915

                                Locations in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach Counties
                                                                                                    INSPIRE HEALTH
                     MIAMI-DADE: Kendall | West Kendall | Coral Gables | Miami Lakes | Aventura | Miami Beach | Homestead | Doral | Bird Road  23
                BROWAWAW RD: Coral Springs | Plantation | Pembroke Pines | Fort Lauderdale | Hollywood PAPAP LM BEACH: East Boca Raton | West Boca Raton
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