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mighty kids


                                                                           FOR KIDS

                                                                                    By Dina Zelden

                                                                                          them feel more in control.
                                                                                          Time spent in nature can also
                                                                                          calm frayed nerves.  Encour-
                                                                                          age your child to notice the
                                                                                          beauty of the world around
                                                                                          them.  Get them to use their
                                                                                          senses by asking: What do
                                                                                          you see, hear, and smell?  An-
                                                                                          other great mood changer is
                                                                                          music.  Encourage your child
                                                                                          to put on their favorite tunes
                                                                                          and sing or dance along.  They
                                                                                          will be smiling before they
                        hildhood was    It’s no wonder many chil-  there are many effective   know it!
                        once a time of   dren are feeling anxious and   strategies and techniques that   Be sure your child has a
                        unstructured    stressed.  Believe it or not,   may help.         close friend or relative with
               Cafternoons, hours       of the diseases that afflict   Help your child gain   whom they can share what is
                of imaginative play, and even   children, mental health disor-  control over the physical re-  troubling them.  Talking about
                the occasional boredom.    ders are the most common,   actions to stress in their body.   it can help them gain per-
                Today’s children have nearly   according to the Child Mind   One simple way to calm   spective and feel encouraged.
                the complete opposite as   Institute.  While it’s important   their body is with breathing   They may offer a new solution
                their time is scheduled to   to know the specific triggers   techniques   Teach them to   and help your child see the
                the minute with an overload   and reactions to stress to   focus on belly breathing by   problem in a new light.  Playing
                of school work and activities.    which your child is prone,   placing their hand on their   with a family pet is another
                                                                 belly to feel it rise and fall with  positive way to deal with
                                                                 each inhale and exhale.  Help   stress.  Snuggling with a furry
                                                                 them calm their thoughts and  friend provides distraction
                                                                 emotions with mindfulness   and unconditional love.  Lastly,
                                                                 exercises.  Guided medita-  when it comes to connecting
                                                                 tion is another way to help a   to others, never underesti-
                                                                 stressed child feel less anxious.   mate the power of a nice, long
                                                                 It is also helpful to focus their   hug which assures children
                                                                 thoughts on an enjoyable   that you are by their side and
                                                                 task which requires lots of   there to help.
                                                                 concentration.  Puzzles, crafts,   While chronic stress re-
                                                                 or another activity can help a   quires discussion with a health
                                                                 child gain control over their   professional, many children can
                                                                 thoughts while letting go of   learn to successfully incorpo-
                     Be sure your child has a close friend       stress.                  rate their favorite stress-bust-
                                                                    Consider the positive ef-
                                                                                          ers into daily life.  And who
                     or relative with whom they can share
                                                                 fects of fresh air and a change  knows, while sharing these
                            what is troubling them
                                                                 of scenery. Get them outside
                                                                 and moving.  Quick bursts
                                                                                          may find yourself feeling better
                                                                 of aerobic activities can help   ideas with your child, YOU
                                                                                          as well!
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