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super food



                                                                              By Michelle Fouchi Esneault

                      pirulina is one of   your immune system and   getting used to.  It can be   health benefits. It’s con-
                      the most ancient   supports your heart, liver   mild or strong, depending   sidered safe and effective
                      lifeforms on Earth   and kidneys.  Studies have   on whether it comes from   with no known side effects.
                      and considered one  also found that it is a natural   a saltwater source, which   You shouldn’t take it if
               Sof the greatest nu-     detoxifier and appetite   tends to be fishier, or from   you’re allergic to iodine or
                trient-rich foods.  According   suppressant, improves diges-  freshwater.  It also turns   if you’re pregnant or on
                to the United States Depart-  tion, fights allergies, lowers   anything you put it in to a   blood thinners.  As with
                ment of Agriculture, dried   cholesterol and triglyceride   lovely shade of blue-green.  any supplement, check
                spirulina is high in protein   levels, raises HDL choles-  You can find spirulina   with your doctor before
                and has nine essential and   terol and can even help bal-  anywhere supplements are   taking.
                10 non-essential amino acids.   ance the body’s pH, while   sold in either tablet form
                It’s also high in beta-caro-  reducing inflammation.    or in a powder which is   Spirulina is a
                tene, linoleic acid, arachidonic   Other studies also   easier to add to food.  The
                acid, vitamins B1 (thiamine),   suggest that it may reduce   Aztecs dried it into cakes   natural detoxifier
                B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin),   blood pressure and balance   in 16th century Mexico.    and appetite
                iron, calcium, phosphorus,   blood sugar.  And if that   Today you can add it to   suppressant
                omega-3s, chlorophyll and   wasn’t enough, research   juices, smoothies and
                phycocyanin which is only   from the International   shakes or sprinkle over
                found in blue-green algae.  Journal of Biological Science   popcorn, rice, or veggies.
                   Research conducted by   suggests that it may even   Add it to your favorite
                the National Institutes of   have anti-cancer properties.  dessert recipes or to
                Health found that spirulina   So, with all of these ben-  energy balls.
                is good for your body and   efits, why isn’t it in every-  It is not recommend-
                your brain.  Consuming   thing?  Spirulina may be the   ed that you cook with
                between one and 10 grams   perfect food, but the taste,   it as exposing it to high
                boosts energy, improves   which is bitter, takes a little   temperatures removes its
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