Page 42 - Waves April
P. 42

Close-up on:

                                    PATRICK LEMIRE

                                                                              C A L L I N G   U P   A   C O B I A

                                               Going back to that “Super Popper”, mine   and then falling or diving toward the
                                               are large popping plugs normally used   safety of the bottom. This is what an alive
                                               for tuna and other near-surface feeders. I   and swimming prey would do. Rod tip
                                               have removed both hooks, added a disk   twitched between pops also adds some life
                                               of thin, pliable plastic to its face, and   to your bait choice. Each popping motion
                                               spray painted it all flat, dark brown. The   should give a 1-2 ft. move of the popper.
                                               plastic disk increases the cupped popping   Repeat the procedure until you feel there’s
                                               face from 1-112” to 2-114” and the flat   not going to be a response and then do it
                                               brown makes the 7” popper look sort of   thru about five more casts and popping
                                               like a piece of driftwood. The plastic disk   retrieves just to make sure.
              either AT&T nor Verizon are      has a small slot cut into its center where
         Ninvolved here. This piece is about   it’s forced over the leader attachment eye   Weed lines and other floating materials are
         sending a message to a distant “Cobia” or   locking it into a cupped position. As an   also prime locations to use this popper/
         “Ling.”  My “Super Popper” is the part of   added measure of security to the disk, I   trailer combination. Draw a cobia from
         this rigging option that does the “Calling   put a small amount of two-part epoxy in   under the weed line, etc with the same
         up a Cobia.” I had used trailers behind a   the disk face at the attachment eye. The   pop and swim motion or cast beyond
         popper first on speckled trout well over   rear hook eye has the 18-20” mono sec-  a surface cruiser and retrieve across or
         50 years ago and later for Kingfish and   tion and the trailing bait tied there.  across and away, giving an additional
         Wahoo, but didn’t relate that basic rigging                                chance for the cobia to give your presen-
         to having cobia/ling applications.    Recommended baits include Almost Alive   tation a closer took.
                                               Lures 11”, natural color, “Cobia Can-
         When approaching an offshore platform   dy” eel, single hook rigged at mid-body.   If a kingfish like charge at your bait isn’t
         or bottom structure spot, don’t assume   My hardest Cobia strike ever was on a   made but only a leisure swimming swim
         that the boat’s engine, prop or hull noise   deceased eel; the cobia ran like a streaking   up, aggressive pops as it approaches may
         will bring a cobia into view, as happens on   kingfish from about 25 feet away inhaling   speed up the swim process, resulting in a
         occasion. Think about it; if those noises   the eel. Another is the 3-D crab, 4”, by   sold hookup. Speaking of a solid hook-
         can possibly attract a cobia -imagine the   Savage Gear; last but not least is one of   up, my hook preference is a “J” hook of
         attraction of multiple casts using a big   my longtime favorites, a pink/chartreuse   whatever size works best with your bait
         popper ahead and above suspended bait.   Snapper Slapper 1 or 3 oz, bare or with a   and tackle. “J” hooks give you more rod
                                               whole, 5-6 inch squid attached. A whole   sweep, hook set motions to use as deter-
         The attraction starts with the cobia’s   squid of 5-6 inches, body end and head   mined by the cobia’s position in relation
         lateral line sensors when they convert that   hooked, is another quality cobia bait.  to you and the boat at hook set time. That
         distant touch into a visual as it approaches                               means right, left, up or down rod sweeps
         the bait presentation. Large platforms or   To make your rigging come to life, cast   as soon as the bait/lures hook is in its
         smaller ones, along with pipe rigs, are the   into or just out of a platform’s legs, over   mouth or along side of its head.
         primary target areas. Pipe rigs in particular   a wreck or rock, and use a pop and pull
         are easier for you to be able to attract a   retrieve. Back to the cast a moment,   With a circle hook the line must come
         Cobia simply because of the fact they are   toward the end of the cast, slow your line,   snug or tight as you do a slow, rod loading
         smaller and therefore your Cobia is closer   aligning the popper and trailer bait away   motion as the cobia swims away. While
         to your popper’s attraction and bait. An   from you for a clean entry into the water.   that might be a shorter time than it took
         important point to remember is that they   The pop sends out its call while your bait   to read this sentence, its plenty of time for
         all may hold Cobia.                   has the look of swimming up and away   the cobia to decide to spit the bait, with

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