Page 43 - Waves April
P. 43

a “J” hook in use that time could have al-  large cobia are June to mid-October or   Spring is prime throughout the Gulf so
           ready included a solid hook set.  “J” hooks   so. In past years, sizeable cobia taken out   now is the time to put this popper and
           and cobia really do go together quite well.   of Galveston include several in the 75 to   trailer rigging to use “Calling Up A Co-
           The results are likely to be a lot better than   80# range and the current Texas Record   bia”.
           watching a nice cobia swim away.    of over 108# and another one of 111.5#
                                               that didn’t qualify since three fishermen
           In the Gulf waters, I fish for cobia out of   handled the rod.                       Patrick
           Galveston Island. The primary times for                                                Lemire

                                                                                    Waves Magazine | May 2019 Issue | 43
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