Page 46 - Waves April
P. 46

W AV E S   H I S T O R Y

         American Baseball History

            The Turning of  a Nation

                  e play it as kids, we watch it     THE CIVIL WAR
                  and listen to it as adults, and
         W we pass down our love of           The first professional baseball
         the Game through generations. Base-  games were played in the wake of
         ball is an American family tradition.  a young nation’s darkest days. The
                                              amateur version, however, has roots
         This Game is closely tied to us in a   that reach back decades before the
         very personal way, but what you may   war began.
         not realize is how much it is also tied
         to history. Often referred to as Amer-  Reporters described baseball as
         ica’s National Pastime, baseball has   a mania back in the 1840s; the
         had a very active role in the shaping   sport was already established as
         of this nation.                      a popular pastime when Civil War
                                              soldiers on both sides played it as
         From the Civil War to Civil Rights and   a diversion. Many veterans took
         all points in between and beyond,    the game home after the war and it   During one of these training exercises
         the game of baseball supports and    became a great unifier in the years   an accident occurred, causing Cobb and
         reflects many aspects of American    that followed the bloodiest conflict in   Mathewson to be exposed to the gas.
         life, from culture to economics and   U.S. history.                     Cobb recovered, but Mathewson was
         technological advances. It inspires                                     exposed to a much larger dose of poison,
         movements, instills pride and even   Though since disproved, the inven-  which damaged his lungs and contributed
         heals cities.                        tion of the sport was originally be-  to his death from tuberculosis eight years
                                              lieved to have occurred in Cooper-  later at the age of 45.
         This story is told at the National Base-  stown and was credited to Civil War
         ball Hall of Fame and Museum, where   hero Abner Doubleday. Doubleday   In World War II, more than 500 major
         the plaques and artifacts all have   was at Fort Sumter in South Caro-  leaguers – and 37 Hall of Famers –
         something to say about the special   lina when the first shots were fired   served in the armed forces, with many
         place baseball holds in the hearts of   in defense of the Union. He went on   of them sacrificing prime years of their
         Americans.                           to rise to the rank of Major General   careers. At the same time, though, Pres-
                                              and served with distinction during   ident Franklin Delano Roosevelt issued
         These are just a few of the places   the Battle of Gettysburg.          what is now known as the “Green Light
         where the history of our National                                       Letter” to encourage play to continue. He
         Pastime and American history have        WORLD WARS I AND II            deemed the game a necessary morale
         crossed...                                                              booster during the difficult times.
                                              During World War I, 227 major
                                              leaguers served in various branches   The War years also saw the founding of
                                              of the military. Among them were   the All-American Girls Professional Base-
                                              several future Hall of Famers, in-  ball League, established in part to com-
                                              cluding Christy Mathewson, Branch   pensate for the loss of many of the best
                                              Rickey, George Sisler and Ty Cobb,   major league players to the war effort.
                                              who all served in the Chemical
                                              Warfare Service, commonly referred            CIVIL RIGHTS
                                              to as “The Gas and Flame Divi-
                                              sion.” These baseball icons were   African Americans played baseball on
                                              instructors, training U.S. troops and   Southern plantations during the 1850s.
             “A Whole New Ballgame”           conducting drills.                 A century later, Jackie Robinson became
             documents the changes
             and cultural significance        One of these drills sent soldiers    R e f e r e n c e :   M a j o r   L e a g u e   B a s e b a l l .   ( 2 0 0 1 )   T h e O f f i -
            of the game from 1970 on.         into an airtight chamber into which   c i a l   S i t e   o f   M a j o r   L e a g u e   B a s e b a l l .   M a j o r   L e a g u e   B a s e -
                                                                                  b a l l ,   U n i t e d   S t a t e s .   [ A r c h i v e d   We b   S i t e ]   R e t r i e v e d   f r o m
                                              actual poison gas was released.     t h e   L i b r a r y   o f   C o n g r e s s ,   h t t p s : / / w w w. l o c . g o v / i t e m / 7 7 d -
                                                                                         0 4 2 0 c 0 5 0 d 0 f c c 7 6 8 4 0 7 b 3 c e f 5 3 e 4 e / .
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