Page 50 - Waves April
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D O W N T O W N   C U R R E N T S   |   B Y   C H R I S T Y   M O N R O E
           Featured Downtownereatured Downtownereatured Downtowner
           F F

         “ We pride our-

           selves on the
           fact that every
           food item we
           serve is made
           fresh and in
                    ”                                                                Some of  their island picks

                                                                                   Amazing desserts for any occasion
                                                                                      Gypsy Joynt, 2711 Market Street

                                                                                    Lunch is always fresh and perfect
             David and Holly Robertson                                            Maceo’s Spice and Imports, 2706 Market

                           Sharky’s Tavern                                         Breakfast on Sunday and especially
                                                                                          with their grandson
                                                                                           Miller’s, 1824 Seawall

                                                     nown for hosting daily live
          Galveston’s downtown area                  music, Holly and David Rob-           Low key hangout
          is known for the diversity of              ertson, owners of Sharky’s    Three Door Down Bar, 120 20th Street
            architecture and people.   K Tavern, have become staples
                                        in the downtown Galveston entertainment    Fun and creative events and outing
            Many of the visitors who    district. “We wanted a place that locals would    Clay Cup Studios, 2219 Post Office Street
           come to the island want to   be comfortable, local musicians would love
                                                                                             Meals anytime
            know what the locals do,    to play at and visitors, whether single or in a   Marina Bar & Grill, 715 N. Holliday Drive
            where they eat and their    group, would feel safe and comfortable,” says
                 favorite spots.        David.                                       Off  the beaten path great food
                                                                                      Sonny’s Place, 1206 19th Street
            Downtown Currents will      In only one year, Sharky’s Tavern has sur-
           highlight a downtown resi-   passed those goals. “We pride ourselves on      A must-visit in Galveston
          dent and/or business owner    the fact that every food item we serve is made   Bryan Museum, 1315 21st Street
           each month to share their    fresh and in house. We also make sure that we
           secret, well known and not   are constantly rotating the draft beer menu   With an array of businesses and attrac-
            so well-known favorites.    to give a great variety of choices,” says David   tions around Sharky’s and their nearby
                                        and Holly, as they speak of what has made   home, the Robertson’s make a point to
                                        them an island favorite.                 shop local businesses when time allows
                                                                                 and hope to continue seeing Galveston
                                        New pizzas, desserts and possibly other menu   thrive and grow around their own dream
                                        items are on the horizon along with an exper-  place, Sharky’s Tavern, 504 25th Street,
                                        iment in Ghost Pepper pizza that will tempt   corner of  Post Office and 25th.
                                        even the wildest of taste buds.
                                                                                 For a list of nightly live acts and events,
                                        Being the Waves Downtown Currents Fea-   see the monthly calendar in Waves Maga-
                                        tured Downtowners, the Robertsons always   zine, or visit Sharky’s facebook page.
                                        welcome everyone to the island with a few of
                                        their favorite suggestions and their own go to
                                        places for family, fun and letting loose.
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