Page 52 - Waves April
P. 52

                                               T h eh eh e

               B B B B B
               B e a c h e a c h e a c h e a c h e a c h e a c h

                                    B u mu mu m
                                    B B

                         ello once again, Wavers. Spring is here and that means one
                         thing to your buddy the Beach Bum. It means Baseball Sea-
                         son has finally arrived and is in full force.

       HI had a random thought the other day while riding around
       in my ol’ scarab. It’s not like me to have many thoughts in a day, but here is
       what had me thinking:

                                    Your Bum is an avid baseball and Astro’s fan. I
                                     am also a big-time movie buff. I started thinking,
                                     what could be better than combining the two?

                                        Answer: Baseball Movies.

                                         I have put together a little list of my all-time favorite baseball movies. I
                                         am sure you probably have a favorite that is not listed here. Send them
                                          to Your Waves Beach Bum at or to our
                                          Facebook page.

                                                                                        H H H H H H H H
                                                                                        Have some good ones to add to the list?ave some good ones to add to the list?ave some good ones to add to the list?ave some good ones to add to the list?ave some good ones to add to the list?ave some good ones to add to the list?ave some good ones to add to the list?ave some good ones to add to the list?ave some good ones to add to the list?
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