Page 54 - Waves April
P. 54



                                              w i t h

                                Jan & Deanan & Dean

          Hi Jan & Dean. Love your column and I hope you can help   count is for your joint savings. Again, you both agree on the dollar
          me. I am married to a wonderful man but we just had a major   amount each of you will contribute every month. After those two
          blowout argument. We are going on our first cruise together   accounts are funded each month, you both each have a seperate
          next month and I wanted to look especially nice for my hus-  banking account.
          band on elegant dress dinner night. I wanted to look absolute-
          ly terrific for him.                                   The third and fourth accounts are for each of you individually to
                                                                 do with in whatever manner you choose after the first two accounts
          I have a beautiful dress to wear for the occasion but had   are funded each month.  No questions asked. Whatever each of
          nothing really special to wear with it. I bought a gorgeous   you have left over after covering household expenses and saving is
          necklace and a set of  earrings that matches my dress perfectly.  yours. You spend it however you want to spend it and it’s not your
          It all looks amazing on me.                            spouse’s business to approve or disapprove.

         The problem is I spent $580 for the matching set. When                 ean, my eyes started to glaze over before I fin-
          my husband found out the cost he exploded in anger. He                ished your answer.  Four accounts??  Let’s make
          wouldn’t speak to me for days. He told me to never do any-    Dit six.  Even better, round it off to 10.  Serious-
          thing like that again, unless we discuss it first. Told me to   ly?  Angela, listen to me instead.  If you have separate ac-
          never spend that much money ever unless he knows about it      counts, then as long as you meet your obligations to what
         first and approves it.                                          is decided who pays what, and how much, then it’s none
                                                                         of your spouses business what or how much you buy or
          I am crushed. I wanted to surprise him on dinner night. Then,  spend or save.  If it is a joint account,  it is a different story.  I think
          after thinking about his reaction, I got mad too. We both work   that you both should know even without talking about it what is a
          and both have good jobs. Why can’t I buy something without   reasonable amount to spend without consulting each other.  It  de-
          him having to tell me it’s okay? I feel like I should be able to   pends on your income bracket as to know what is spending money
          buy what I want, when I want to.                       and what is a serious expenditure.  I don’t know your income, so I
                                                                 can’t tell you an amount.  I can say this - don’t just say nothing and
         What is your advice? What dollar amount should someone   let this smolder.  Sit down and discuss this now.  Your cruise will
          be able to spend without having to get permission from their   not be enjoyable, and later on down the line, this might happen

          spouse?                                                again.  Communicate!!
         Angela is angry.                                               P.S.- Personally, I think he owes you an apology.

                          i Angela. I am going to take your side on this
                          with one provision. I happen to have a very
                   Hsmart accountant friend that gave me some
                   very wise advice several years ago. He told me a mar-
                   ried couple should have four different bank accounts.
                   I’m being serious, so follow me carefully.

          The first account is for household expenses. Your house payment,
          car payments, groceries, utilities, etc. You both agree on the amount
          that each of you will contribute to it each month. The second ac-
               HAVE A QUESTION FOR JAN & DEAN?  Go to & ask away.  You just might have your question answered next month.

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