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healthy body

       Vitamin C-rich                                                                  It’s usually caused by a lack of
      foods are generally                                                              adequate dietary intake of fresh
      low in calories but
                                                                                       fruits and vegetables.  Smoking
      high in fiber—vital                                                              and alcohol consumption also
         for weight loss.                                                              significantly reduces vitamin
                                                                                       C levels.  Signs of vitamin C
                                                                                       deficiency include easy bruising,
                                                                                       frequent infections, gum disease,
                                                                                       slow wound healing or low
                                                                                       resistance to stress.
                                                                                          Experts suggest a daily
                                                                                       intake of 70-90 mgs of vitamin
                                                                                       C per day.  This is the equiva-
                             By Anja Springthorpe                                      lent of half a cup of sliced bell
                                                                                       pepper, one large orange, two
             t is well known that vita-  and premature aging.  Vitamin                 kiwi fruits or one cup of fresh
             min C is found predomi-  C also is a major antioxidant,                   strawberries.  While fresh food
             nantly in plant foods such   providing protection from free               is always superior, supplements
             as fruits and vegetables.    radicals.  Toxins, chemicals and   Vitamin   are readily available at relative-
        IWhat is less known is that   other environmental pollution                    ly low costs.  However, keep
         some living organisms can in   can lead to high levels of free   C is a major   in mind that some digestive
         fact produce their own vitamin   radicals causing damage to skin   antioxidant,   systems can be sensitive to vi-
         C.  Because of evolution, we   cells and other tissues.  Re-                  tamin C supplements.  Choose
         humans and a few other mam-  searchers found that protec-   providing         a buffered vitamin C prod-
         mals, along with some fishes   tion from free radicals reduces   protection from   uct.  These are gentler on the
         and birds have lost this ability,   the risk of chronic diseases,             stomach, reducing the risk of
         therefore we must ensure   cancers and cardiovascular     free radicals.      diarrhea or nausea.
         adequate intake of dietary   diseases.
         vitamin C.                    It does not stop there.
            Vitamin C is essential for   Vitamin C also has been
         health.  Without it, immune   associated with weight loss.          It Feels Like Home,
                                    Vitamin C-rich foods are gen-
         cells work less efficiently,   erally low in calories but high    Because It Is Home!
         increasing the risk of viral or
         bacterial infections.  It is need-  in fiber—vital for weight loss
         ed to produce collagen, the   and to produce the amino acid
         structural component of skin   carnitine which enables burning
         and connective tissue.  Lack of   of stored fat for energy pro-
         sufficient collagen results in loss   duction.
         of skin elasticity and firmness,   Vitamin C deficiency is
         the main culprits for wrinkles   more common than you think.

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