Page 58 - Galveston Waves - Feburary 2019
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Public Library had a summer reading program where, when you
read 10 books [completion documented by your mom], you got
tickets to see a play put on by the Junior League Players as a reward.
My first exposure to live theatre was “Aladdin and the Magic Lamp.”
CURTAIN GOING UP! I was mesmerized. “I want to do that!” I informed my rather
chagrined mother – she had aspirations of my becoming a dentist.
Every birthday party trip for me was dragging friends to The Alley
children’s theatre. My fate to pursue acting was sealed in 1966 with
the debut of “That Girl” on TV. If Marlo Thomas could move to
New York and become a star, so could I!
by: Paul Hager
That never happened for me; let’s face it, most actors don’t make
it onto the red carpet in designer clothing. I consider myself more
“ “ “HHHigh-diddley-dee, igh-diddley-dee, igh-diddley-dee, fortunate than most having been able to pursue my passion locally
an Actor’s Life for Me!”Actor’s Life for Me!”Actor’s Life for Me!”
an and regionally since my college days, sometimes lucratively, often
times not in the areas of performing, producing and teaching with-
out having to venture too far from home. That, and the constant
magine if you will enthusiastically choosing a profession and loving support of my partner over the years now find me con-
where employment is sporadic at best and non-existent tent with my current and future place on my own red carpet. I am
at worst and you willingly set yourself up for disappoint- excited to be living and hopefully still breathing in this digital age of
ment, repeated rejection and even ridicule. A jealous podcasts, web series and doing voiceovers from home. Even with so
and needy career where the odds are so overwhelmingly many new opportunities to pursue my love, my passion, my life will
against you that only 1 in 20 of those that claim it as always be theatre.
theirs earn an annual salary over $15,000. When you ARE working,
it requires a hectic and tiring 24/7 dedication; when you’re NOT For another perspective, I sat down with Lisa Hamilton, recently
working the same effort is put out into trying to GET working – in added as member of my theatre family when we performed together
other words no personal, social or family life. Welcome to the actor’s in “Lucy Stiff” at COM Theatre, for her take on being a theatre
role in that business we call show! professional.
“Are these people insane?” you might ask. One opinion is put forth PAUL: Let’s start with a brief biography
in a psychology study comparing 214 professional actors to a cohort and some of the highlights of your career
of non-acting North Americans and has in fact found significantly in theatre.
higher rates of disordered personality traits in the thespians. The
study, co-authored by actor Mark Davison and University College LISA: I got my BFA in acting and did
London psychology professor Adrian Furnham, is forthcoming in Summer Stock professionally in college.
the journal Psychology of Popular Media Culture. In the study, male Then I was fortunate enough to be hired
and female actors alike scored significantly higher on measures of into the Alley Theatre’s Young Company
antisocial, narcissistic, histrionic, borderline, schizotypal, and obses- in the late 80’s – yes I am that old – after
sive-compulsive personality disorder traits than non-actor peers, as which I was offered an Equity contract
defined by the Coolidge Axis-II inventory of personality disorders. Lisa Hamilton and a position in the resident company.
Male actors had significantly more traits for dependent and avoidant When I wasn’t on stage I assisted Associate Director (and now a
personality disorders as well. It’s worth noting here, before you start Tony Award winning director) Michael Wilson with local casting. Af-
blocking texts from that friend trying to break into commercials in ter 5 years with the Alley I moved on to get my Masters in Directing
LA, that there’s a difference between having schizotypal traits, for from LSU and was a professional director for two years. I starved.
example, and actually having full-blown Schizotypal Personality Met my husband in 96 and took a long hiatus to raise my kids. I
Disorder. None of the respondents had known psychological diag- kept my toe in the water by doing a one woman show : “Bald in the
noses. In fact, in the right amounts and the right profession, some Land of Big Hair” for Susan G, Komen and Pink Ribbons fund-
of these traits can actually contribute to success. Previous research raisers. I also recruited young actors for a college in Santa Fe New
has shown that narcissists make good first impressions and thrive in Mexico. Now I am so lucky to work with H. Russ Brown at College
front of an audience—both crucial skills in an audition. They also of the Mainland. I love the work we are doing there!
tend to display the kind of narcissistic tendencies that make them
crave the spotlight for themselves, but not those that make them PAUL: I can [and did] point to exactly when my ‘acting epiphany’
want to tear others down. occurred. What and when was yours?
Another way of putting it – “You can only pursue acting if you have
to. It would be the most awful career choice unless you truly loved LISA: I played Helen Keller in The Miracle Worker when I was
it!” 9 years old. Received my first standing ovation and there was no
turning back.
I fall into the second category. I very vividly remember my ‘actor
epiphany’ taking place when I was in the third grade. The Houston PAUL: What made you decide to pursue theatre as a professional
58 | Waves Magazine | February 2019 Issue