Page 62 - Let's Make Waves - October 2018
P. 62
8 Most Haunted Placested Places
8 Most Haun
In Galveston
G There are also reports of disembodied According to the locals, the original owner
alveston has a very colorful,
not to mention dramatic histo- growls and barks often accompanied by
Walter Gresham is highly protective of
ry. The island once served as a the smell of wet dog which has been at-
the property and still haunts the building.
central point for commerce in tributed to a legend regarding a pack of 12 He is most often spotted during, or just
Texas before it was decimated by a Hurri- black dogs belonging to Pirate King Jean before freak weather events. Those who
cane in 1900. A large number of buildings Laffite. have seen him have described him as be-
were completely wiped out and the island ing in an agitated state as he paces back-
never fully recovered from the disaster. Apparently, a voodoo queen performed a ward and forwards across the front porch.
It is this massive loss which seems to have ritual over the pups as they were born He seems concerned that even though
triggered many of the most well-known transforming them into supernatural Bishop’s Palace managed to survive in
incidences of paranormal activity in Gal- ‘hellhounds’ with flaming red eyes! 1900 it might not be so lucky the next
veston, although there are a handful of The voodoo queen herself has also been time!
newer tales too. seen around Stewart’s Mansion dressed in 5. ASHTON VILLA MANSION
dirty clothes and wearing a necklace of High on the list of
Join us in digging a little deeper into the bones. Texas haunted hous-
history behind some of the most haunted es, Ashton Villa Man-
places in Galveston, TX: There have also been reports of shadow sion was built be-
figures darting between the trees around tween 1861 and 1865
8. STEWART'S MANSION the property. This truly is one of the most by wealthy Texan
businessman James
Stewart’s haunted places in Galveston. businessman James
Brown who was keen
Mansion Brown who was keen
to show people just how well off he was!
was once 7. SEAWALL WALMART to show people just how well off he was!
The 3 -story mansion is fit for royalty and
part of If there is one place that you probably did re is one place that you probably did The 3 -story mansion is fit for royalty and
If the
was likely the first home in Texas to be
Stewart not expect to find on a list of Galveston’s was likely the first home in Texas to be
not expect to find on a list of Galveston’s
constructed in all brick.
Ranch most haunted locations, it is probably the constructed in all brick.
most haunted locations, it is probably the
which was local branch of Walmart.
which was
gifted to the
gifted to the The house was put to use as a hospital
State of Texas in 1969 and became what is
State of Texas in 1969 and became what is However, the Seawall Walmart is built on during the Civil War and spent time under
now known as Galveston Island State
now known as Galveston Island State the land that was once occupied by St the control of both the Union and the
Park. Mary’s Orphanage and employees say that Confederates at one time or another.
The mansion was not part of the gift, but
The mansion was not part of the gift, but many of the children are still around! These days, the property is considered to
it is known to be one of the most haunted
it is known to be one of the most haunted Toys often move around the store when be one of the most haunted places in Gal-
properties in Galveston with several dif- there are no customers around and entire veston.
ferent entities tied to the property. pallets of toy inventory have gone missing
Many of these are linked to the location of only to reappear later. Among the reports of paranormal activity,
the mansion and its significant role in Gal- there are sightings of a beautiful blonde
veston history. There are also frequent reports of children woman wearing a turquoise colored even-
laughing or crying and a couple of em- ing gown and holding an ornate fan. This
For example, just beyond the gates, there ployees have even seen apparitions of the is believed to be an apparition of James
is a historical marker for ‘Lafitte’s Grove’ children. Brown’s eldest daughter Miss Bettie
indicating the location of Jean Lafitte’s Brown.
headquarters during the Battle of Three 6. THE BISHOP'S PALACE
Trees between Lafitte and the Karankawa The Bishop’s Pal- Other paranormal activity around the
Indians in 1821. ace was finished in house includes ceiling fans turning on, the
1893 and it is one alarm going off for no reason and phan-
Caretakers at Stewart’s Mansion have re- of the few original tom piano music.
ported seeing apparitions of Native Amer- buildings on Gal-
icans and Pirates in the area and also hear- veston which sur- The piano music is attributed to Bettie’s
ing the sounds of cannons, muskets, cries, vived the hurricane younger sister Tilly Brown. Staff have also
and screams which sound like an echo of
and screams which sound like an echo of of 1900. reported seeing civil war era soldiers
of 1900.
the battle itself. around the property from time to time.
62 | Waves Magazine | October 2018 Issue