Page 63 - Let's Make Waves - October 2018
P. 63

4. VAN ALSTYNE HOUSE             bright blue, red, white and yellow floating  Audra is by no means the only ghost
                           Van Alstyne       around the ruins of Maison Rouge.     haunting this hotel, there are also many
                           House was built in                                      reports of the apparition of a nun called
                           1891 and it is    These seem to linger in the air before   Sister Katherine who haunts the west wing
                           nicknamed ‘The    moving quickly across the yard and up   of the hotel, a little girl in a period dress
                           Gingerbread       what would have been the front stairs of   who plays in the lobby and a male spirit
                           House’ because of  the house!                           who harasses ladies in the first-floor bath-
                           its distinctive ap-  There have even been reports of shadow   room!
                           pearance.         figure moving between the ruins. This   1. THE TREMONT HOUSE HOTEL
                           For many years
                           For many years    certainly is one of the most haunted build-               The Tremont
       the building housed an antique store, but
       the building housed an antique store, but   ings in Galveston!                                  House Hotel is
       the owners eventually had to abandon it
       the owners eventually had to abandon it                                                         one of two Trem-
       because of an onslaught of paranormal
       because of an onslaught of paranormal                                                           ont brand hotels
       activity.                                  2. THE HOTEL GALVEZ                                  on the island of
                                                                The Hotel Galvez                       Galveston. It was
       Just some of the activity that they reported             is apparently the                      opened in 1872
       over the years included the alarms going                 oldest hotel on the                    and welcomed
                                                                oldest hotel on the
                                                                                                       many celebrity
       off in the night for no apparent reason,                 island and it just so                  many celebrity
                                                                island and it just so
                                                                                   guests including several US presidents,
       tables being completely flipped over, a toy              happens to be one   guests including several US presidents,
                                                                happens to be one
                                                                                   Buffalo Bill Cody and Anna Pavlova
       truck rolling towards a visiting police of-              of the most haunt-  Buffalo Bill Cody and Anna Pavlova
                                                                of the most haunt-
                                                                                   among others.
       ficer and a disembodied voice threatening                ed places in Gal-  among others.
                                                                ed places in Gal-
       a visitor that he was going to die if he did
       a visitor that he was going to die if he did             veston too.
                                                                veston too.
       not leave immediately!                                                      It served as a shelter for hundreds of peo-
                                                                                   It served as a shelter for hundreds of peo-
                                             Room number 505 is a hotbed of paranor-  ple during the great hurricane of 1900.
                                             Room number 505 is a hotbed of paranor-
               3. MAISON ROUGE               mal activity and very few guests have man-  However, it was closed in 1928 and quick-
                                             mal activity and very few guests have man-
                           In his d
                           In his day, the pi-ay, the pi-  aged to last the entire night in the room   ly fell into disrepair leading to its demoli-
                                             aged to last the entire night in the room
                           rate king Jean    due to the uneasy feeling they experience.  tion.
                                             due to the uneasy feeling they experience.
                           Lafitte is said to
                           Lafitte is said to   People tend to feel very uncomfortable in
                                             People tend to feel very uncomfortable in
                           have ruled Galves-  the room and they have described smell-  A new Tremont House now stands in its
                           ton with an iron   ing the unexplained scent of gardenias in   place and it boasts 119 rooms taking up
                           fist and apparently,   the room as well.                one and a half blocks! It also boasts a
                           he buried treasure                                      number of spirits who call the Tremont
                           somewhere on the
                           somewhere on the   There are said to be several different spir-  home.
                           island.           its haunting the hotel including one
                                             known as ‘the lovelorn lady’.         One of the most commonly spotted
       This is why you will find the area where
       This is why you will find the area where                                    ghosts here is a Civil War soldier who usu-
       Maison Rouge once stood completely
       Maison Rouge once stood completely    She is apparently the ghost of a bride to   ally haunts the first-floor lobby, bar, din-
       fenced off. There were too many treasure
       fenced off. There were too many treasure   be named Audra who was staying at the   ing room and office. He marches back and
       hunters coming to dig up the property in
       hunters coming to dig up the property in   Hotel Galvez while her intended was off   forth as though standing guard.
       search of his loot!                   at sea. She liked to take the elevator up to
                                             the 8  floor where she could climb out   There is also said to be another male spirit
       The foundations that are visible there are   onto one of the turrets on the roof and   in the hotel who goes by the name of The
       not, in fact, those belonging to Maison   watch for her love’s ship returning.   Lucky Man or just ‘Sam’.
       Rouge, but rather a house known as 12
       Gables which was built there much later   One night following a terrible storm, Au-  He is apparently a salesman who walks
       by Captain Hendricks.                 dra heard that his ship had been lost and   with a limp who was murdered as he slept
                                             promptly hung herself in room 501. Ironi-  after winning big gambling that night. He
       Over the years there have been many re-  cally, her fiancé arrived home safe only to   is blamed for most of the paranormal oc-
       ports of unexplained noises coming from   learn of her death.               currences on the fourth floor.
       the ruins. These range from the sound of
       men arguing with one another to the   She is now said to haunt the room in   Other spirits said to be in the hotel in-
       sounds of some kind of party. Whenever   which she died. Guests have had doors   clude a little boy named Jimmy, a ghost
       witnesses get close the noise stops abrupt-  slam, lights malfunction and seen strange   who loves to scatter guests clothing
       ly.                                   lights in the room.                   around and several storm victims!

       There have also been reports of some
       strange light anomalies and little balls of
                                                                                      Waves Magazine | October 2018 Issue |  63
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