Page 50 - Waves March 2019
P. 50
Traffic Control on
Seawall Boulevard
1911 – 1949
ince the early twentieth century, Galveston residents. The parade proceed-
the Seawall and Seawall Boule- ed to 39th Street, then turned around,
vard have defined Galveston’s and ended at a grandstand erected at
S beachfront. Each tourist season, 22nd Street behind the Seawall. Governor
multitudes trek to Galveston for beaches Colquitt, the principal speaker, spoke
and Gulf bathing. They come mostly on the city’s recent accomplishments,
in cars, creating a constant challenge including the Seawall, grade raising, and
for authorities to ensure orderly traffic Boulevard. The parade of automobiles
flow without endangering pedestrians. presaged problematic traffic congestion.
During earlier decades, city commission- and G.K. Jorgenson, owner of the Crystal
ers implemented a variety of methods, In the first years the Boulevard was Palace Bathhouse. The Galveston Daily News,
which drew local support and opposition, opened, the thoroughfare was glutted August 6, 1929, gave its endorsement: “Gone
to keep traffic moving smoothly on the with hundreds of cars. The Galveston was the clamor of automobile horns, the odor
Boulevard. Daily News, August 12, 1912, for exam- of exhaust fumes and the very hazardous
ple, noted that “cars bearing numbers adventure of crossing from one side of the
Even before its dedication, automobiles from upstate cities rolled up and down Boulevard to the other.”
were prominent on the Boulevard. Sep- the miles of brick-paved promenade.”
tember 9, 1911, saw the official dedication Safety was a principal concern since vehi- In January 1936, the Galveston Coordination
of Seawall Boulevard. A car carrying cles had to compete against large crowds Committee was tasked with the issue of traffic
Oscar Colquitt, Governor of Texas, led milling along the Seawall. diversion on Seawall Boulevard. The Coordi-
a procession of automobiles, many of nation Committee appointed a special beach
which belonged to and were driven by In 1924, authorities installed a “traffic committee to review options for controlling
tower” with a signal in the middle of the traffic congestion and to make recommenda-
Boulevard at 23rd Street to relieve traffic tions to Mayor Adrian Levy. The thinking was
congestion. The Galveston Automobile to create a special “amusement district” by
Protective Association, which represented closing Seawall Boulevard to traffic between
local motorists, called for its removal as 23rd and 25th Streets, but nothing came of
a traffic hazard and its replacement with this proposal.
an overhead traffic signal. However, the
city commissioner in charge of the police Galveston’s city commission alternately utilized
and fire departments declined the request. angled and parallel parking on Seawall Bou-
The traffic tower was later moved. levard. The city began regulating parking on
Angled parking along the local streets in February 1916. During Novem-
south side of the 2200 block Traffic diversion was another option. In ber 1924, commissioners approved a traffic
of Seawall Boulevard, 1921. August 1929, the Boulevard was closed ordinance which authorized angled parking
Brush Electric Company’s for one afternoon and evening to traffic along the Boulevard’s south side. However, the
slogan sign (extreme left), between 22nd and 25th streets, and ordinance was immediately repealed in favor
of another ordinance establishing a 2-hour
automobiles were rerouted via Avenue Q.
Tango Terrace and National Crowds of tourists thronged the closed parking limit from 19th to 29th streets be-
Hotel (middle), and Joyland portion of the Seawall. The measure drew tween noon and midnight. The belief was that
Park (extreme right). the support of Charles E. Barfield, presi- parallel parking was less of a traffic impedi-
dent of the Galveston Beach Association, ment than angled parking.
50 | Waves Magazine | March 2019 Issue