Page 51 - Waves March 2019
P. 51
Automobiles and buggies at Easter on Seawall Boulevard, cir-
ca 1911 - 1915. Murdoch’s Bathhouse (1911 - 1915, left). Breakers
Bathhouse (1909 - 1915, right)
Parallel parking on the Boulevard be- sentiments in a resolution prepared by the In recent years, of the various methods
tween 22nd and 25th streets was tried on county attorney, which he presented to to establish traffic control, parking meters
a trial basis from June 28 - July 4, 1939. the board of city commissioners. The res- have been the most controversial. In
The Galveston Beach Association, which olution stated the county commissioners’ 1998, Galveston voters rejected Propo-
represented beach businesses, opposed objection to the city’s attempt to generate sition 41, which would have established
it on the grounds that it reduced parking revenues from Seawall Boulevard, which paid parking on Seawall Boulevard. In
for customers and tourists. Advocates, belongs to Galveston County. County 2004, voters approved Proposition 2,
however, emphasized that it aided traffic officials also considered parking meters to which required paid parking on Seawall
flow. On July 6, 1939, city commissioners be potentially dangerous objects in hurri- Boulevard to be decided in a public
adopted an ordinance providing for paral- canes. Nevertheless, on July 10, 1941, city election. A public election would be
lel parking on Seawall Boulevard between commissioners approved the installation mandatory before the city council could
19th and 29th Streets. The ordinance of parking meters on the north side of implement paid parking. However, in May
placed a 2-hour parking limit in this zone Seawall Boulevard between 15th and 30th 2011, Galveston’s voters overwhelmingly
between noon and midnight. streets and the banning of parking on the approved a beach access fee, which is
south side. The county obtained a tem- tantamount to paid parking. The fee will
In March 1940, city commissioners porary restraining order in 56th District generate revenues to fund beachfront
returned to angled parking. This prac- Court against the city and the company enhancements.
tice continued until 1949 when parallel which contracted to install the meters.
parking once again replaced it. City com- Higher courts upheld the temporary ban.
missioners approved another ordinance
in September 1949 authorizing angled
parking along the Boulevard’s north side
between 7th and 27th streets.
Parking meters were an unpopular
method of traffic control. In 1936, city
commissioners briefly considered their
use but withdrew their consideration
when faced with vehement opposition
from local businesses. In June 1941, the
county commissioners unanimously ob-
jected to the placement of parking meters
along the Boulevard. They expressed their Angled parking returned to Seawall Boulevard in 1949
Waves Magazine | March 2019 Issue | 51