Page 54 - Waves March 2019
P. 54
w i t h
Jan & Deanan & Dean
Hi Jan and Dean, one I would want to be in a relationship with. Dogs
are family and should be treated as such. I am really
I have a large German Shepherd named Sherman disappointed you even have to ask what you should do
that I love very much. I’ve had him three years about this situation. It’s very simple: Your dog Sher-
now and we are best friends. He loves sleeping in man stays and the boyfriend goes. The boyfriend isn’t
bed with me, or even just by himself on the bed. going to change his beliefs so just cut the cord and
I started dating this guy a few months ago, and show your boyfriend the door. You might also want to
we are hitting it off really well. It has come the wait a little longer than a few months before you jump
time in our relationship, where my boyfriend stays in bed with a guy next time. You could have gotten
over a few times a week. Well, you guessed it. He to know this dude much better and avoided this entire
doesn’t want to share the bed with my Sherman. mess. Be smarter going forward.
He thinks that a dog shouldn’t be in the house,
much less in the bed with us. This is taking a
toll on our relationship. I really need your advice!
What should I do about this?
Please advise. -- Stressed Susan.
y advice other than kicking his sorry
butt to the curb (not the dog), is to
M stand your ground and tell your boy-
friend Sherman stays in the bed. Now I can
see if you are wanting to do something other
than sleep, then shutting the bedroom door at
that time is okay. But if Sherman is used to sleeping
there and you like his presence, then the boyfriend
must get over it or call it quits. In my opinion, anyone
that doesn’t like dogs or any animals for that matter,
needs to go. Sorry.
ello, Susan. This is a no-brainer for
me as I like dogs more than I like
H most people. Have you ever heard of
the old saying: My house, my rules? It’s your
house and you make the rules. A guy that
thinks a dog has no place inside a home is not some-
HAVE A QUESTION FOR JAN & DEAN? Go to & ask away. You just might have your question answered next month.
54 | Waves Magazine | March 2019 Issue