Page 56 - Waves March 2019
P. 56


                             E S T A U R A N T

                             E V I E W

                                      by: Tom Valliere & Charlie Bresenhan

                         Highlighting Galveston’s Best of  the Best Dining Experiences.
                                        #1 Waves Magazine Requested Article!

                                                                up in the business.  From a young age they have been im-
                                                                mersed in their family restaurants including such notable
                                                                ventures as Fisherman Wharf, FishTales, The Spot and
                                                                others. Their in depth hands-on experience is augmented
                                                                by formal culinary and business education resulting in an
                                                                unbeatable  combination of skills and experience.

                                                                                           Since their opening in 2012
             Farley Girls Cafe                                                             visitors alike have stormed
                                                                                           throngs of islanders and

                                                                                           the doors of this very popular
                   A Little Bit Of  Everything                                             and award winning restau-
                                                                                           rant. Strategically located at
           magine, if you will, a small subtropical Island whose                           the juncture of the east end
           northern coast consists of nutrient rich estuaries                              historical district and directly
       Isupporting huge quantities of shellfish and oysters,    across from the sprawling medical school campus, they
       a southern coast lapped by the warm blue waters of the   draw upon a large professional clientele and many youth-
       Gulf of Mexico and a  thriving international seaport with   ful students resulting in a pleasant mix of young and old
       a diverse population of immigrants from all corners of   alike.
       the globe. Now sandwich this  between Cajun Louisiana
       on the east and sunny Mexico on the west.  Add to this   Their weekend brunch menu draws visitors from across
       mix two talented and enthusiastic sisters with deep culi-  the region with their imaginative dishes combining eggs,
       nary roots and you have the Farley Girls Cafe.           seafood, chorizo and other fresh ingredients in various
                                                                combinations ranging from simple eggs, potatoes and
       Rosmand (Roz) Thormahlen and her sister Ryanne Cul-      bacon to complex variants of Eggs Benedict, south of
       berson hail from a restaurant family having literally grown   the border specialities with fiery Mexican sauces and their
                                                                eclectic fish, shrimp, bacon and jalapeno medley called
                                                                The Captain.

                                                                The weekday menu has farm fresh salads, imaginative
                                                                sandwiches and specialty pizzas. Their margarita pizza is

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