Page 52 - Waves March 2019
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D O W N T O W N C U R R E N T S | B Y C H R I S T Y M O N R O E
I s l a n d S t y l es l a n d S t y l es l a n d S t y l e
Spring Break 2019
Written by Christy Monroe
pring Break brings thousands of Historic Downtown Strand area, in search of the Network, has spearheaded the “Turtles
visitors to the island, from toddlers one-of-a-kind murals in an “I Spy” style hunt. about Town” campaign where community
Sto teens to adults, all in search of fun Families who sign up for any of the 4 tours, can members and businesses can sponsor a large
and sun. With the recent Groundhog Day intertwine these elements to keep the younger Turtle Sculpture, in front of their business
prediction of Spring around the corner, crowd interested and involved or it can be done or other location. Local Artists are then part-
the temperatures and outdoor activities can alone as a fun day out for anyone. Signing up for nered with sponsors to create a theme for the
still be a roulette game of hit or miss. The the tours is as easy as visiting the website, choos- turtle and bring the sculpture to life through
downtown area of the island is sometimes ing the tour, paying online then starting the tour different mediums of art. The project brings
overlooked as the masses make their way to and continuing at your own pace. As customers awareness to Kemps Ridley Sea Turtle and
the beach. Catering to every age and interest walk through the Strand area, along with the Sea- the non-profit Turtle Island Restoration
level can be a challenge for local business wall and other areas of historical significance, the Network, while also adding an exciting aes-
owners and attractions. hints, on their own device, lead them to discover thetic to the island landscape. Island Treasure
Galveston in a whole new way. Along the way, Hunts is now offering a “Trail of the Turtle
Childhood Fun Sparked a Business coins for prizes are earned and a virtual treasure Tales” tour, with a full map of the turtle
chest of coupons and local business offerings are locations, information and fun facts for each
Local father and daughter team, David and revealed at the end of the tour. Corporate and turtle, along with opportunities to travel via
Hannah Willingham, have perfected this idea large groups can have actual treasures hidden golf cart, on foot or by bike, through local
of catering to all. Owners of Island Treasure along the route, customized by David and Han- partnerships, combining efforts to make
Hunt Tour Company, the Willingham team nah, by contacting them prior to their desired tour the tours more accessible to all. Every age
offers an interactive tour that is self-paced, dates. “We’ve done groups from 10-150 people and customer along with their interests have
digitally driven by your own device and burst- who had particular treasures in mind for the par- been considered in the tours. To purchase
ing with interesting history, fun, and prizes. ticipates to find,” said David. any of the tours or to find the free tour, visit
Few businesses are designed, owned and
operated by a teenager with vision such as Having been named the “Silver-Best of Galves-
Hannah’s. She started at aged 16, with Dad, ton” for on land, guided tours, Island Treasure
to create an innovative, never before seen Hunts continues to partner and grow with local
island adventure that people could enjoy at businesses and supporters such as downtown
any time of the day. Now 19, Hannah hasn’t stores Surf Styles, Zipp E-Bikes, Buster’s Old
forgotten the natural curiosity of being a Time Photos and many others, including Clay
young child. Cup Studios which plays an integral role in the
newest tour being offered by Island Treasures.
This prompted the free hunt for young kids Amy Owens, owner of Clay Cup studios along
that leads families through the streets of the with Joanie Steinhaus of Turtle Island Restoration
52 | Waves Magazine | March 2019 Issue