Page 53 - Waves March 2019
P. 53

D o w n t o w n   E n t e r t a i n m e n t ,   C u i s i n e   ,   E v e n t s   &   S h o p p i n g

                                              food, live bands, beer on tap and frozen
             Spring Break Relaxation and      drinks in a family friendly atmosphere during
                   Rejuvenation               the day and a pumped up, party feel at night.
                                              Starting at 10 pm on Saturdays, live music
       After a long day on the beach, walking   will include rock, funk, country, and soul.
       through the Strand area or enjoying one of   There are plans for patio parties on Sundays
       the unique tours, Wellness Spa and Beauty at   with Mickey Hobbs and others around 1 pm.
       2417 Market Street, in Downtown Galveston,   With a cool California feel and Texas vibe,
       is offering a full line of Esthetician services   the Playground Patio Bar & Grill will have
       such as facials, micro peels, and dermabra-  gourmet hot dogs such as a Mac n’ Cheese
       sion. Owner of the newest Spa on the island,   Dogs, Snoop Dogs, and a Texas Rock Star
       Ke Xue, was raised in China and studied   Dog with Fritos topping it off. Personal pan
       traditional Chinese medicine,  before leaving   pizzas and a variety of nachos will also be
       for the states and enhancing her therapeutic   on the menu. “It’s a great place to hang out,
       skills through acquiring a massage therapist   either on our patio or inside,” Flores stated.
       certification. Other therapists in the spa   “People can eat, drink, watch sports, play
       specialize in Orthopedics, as well.    arcade games or just chill,” he said.

       This diverse background knowledge, cultures,   Every menu item will be a throwback to a
       and extremely reasonable pricing was Kelly’s   traditional family favorite with a culinary
       goal in offering locals and visitors a way to   twist or turn that takes you to a mindset
       relax and rejuvenate in a healthy way, both   of flip flops, cut-offs and running around   says, “Thursday nights are going to be good
       for their bodies and their pocketbooks. With   outside, enjoying the weather. With, what   for local artists with Open Mic Night, but
       the sun and Spring breaking through, Brazil-  many consider, the best outdoor seating area   Fridays will be a blast with Karaoke,” as he
       ian waxes, foot reflexology, eyebrow and lash   on The Strand, Playground will have indoor   speaks of the new Playground Patio Bar &
       extension services couple massages and other   and outdoor bars and seating. Happy Hour   Grill. The kitchen is scheduled to be open
       offerings, make for the perfect break from   will be all day Sundays and 3-7pm Tuesday   until midnight on weekends and be available
       the beach or shopping downtown. To ac-  through Saturday. Daily specials will vary but   on WAITR delivery service.
       commodate hectic schedules and shift work,   include items such as $2 dogs on Tuesdays,
       Wellness Spa and Beauty is open 7 days a   $5 BBQ sandwiches on Wednesdays and an   Spring Break Marks the Comeback
       week from 10 am to 9 pm.               array of other special items from the menu,
                                              at great prices.                       March 8 marks a new era in the famous
       Playground Patio Bar and Grill Opens for                                      Galveston Red Light District, as Kimber
           Spring Break, 2325 Strand Street   Only one block from the cruise terminal and   Fountain brings her book to life via walking
                                              in the heart of the downtown foot traffic,   tours that highlight the stories of the ladies
       Adding a new and unique concept in the   Playground focuses on locals but also offers   and up close, personal views of the build-
       Strand Historic District restaurants, just   a casualness for the visitors where anyone   ings that housed the ladies of the night. An
       in time for Spring Break, Allen Flores and   can stroll in, find a seat, play a video game,   extensive interview and details on the tour
       Bebob Neumann are collaborating on a new   listen to music and hang out, straight off the   will be featured in the April issue of Waves,
       restaurant/nightlife concept with messy   beach. The interior has a blend of vintage   Downtown Currents. For tickets and infor-
       foods and live bands.                  photographs along with bright colors and   mation on the tours, visit
                                              a mural by Gabe Prusmack, known for his
       Playground Patio Bar & Grill will offer great   artwork throughout Galveston. Allen Flores

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