Page 61 - Waves April
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circa 1925            circa 1925            circa 1925            circa 1929           circa 1928

                   ubbed the “Pageant of  Pulchritude” by         2019 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS
                   C.E. Barfield, the Galveston beauty contest
          Dbegan in the summer of 1920 and from                                  Friday, May 17, 2019
          then on marked the kick-off for tourist season each   •  6 – 7:30 pm – Revue Prevue with Dandy Wellington,
          year. By 1928, the event (which had morphed into          and Introduction of the 2019 Bathing Beauties at the
          the “bathing girl revue”) had become so popular, the      Hotel Galvez & Spa
          Island’s population was said to have tripled during
          the event weekend. These Island pageants are said                     Saturday, May 18, 2019
          to have been the beginning of what we know today      •  12 – 7 pm – 2019 Galveston Island Beach Revue
          as the Miss Universe Pageant. The famed Galveston     •  12 – 5 pm – Hot Rod & Classic Car Show
          Bathing Beauties pageants ended in 1932 due in part   •  1 pm – Live Music – Swimwear Department
          to the Great Depression.                              •  2 pm – Live Music – The Broken Spokes
                                                                •  4 pm – Dandy Wellington & His Band
          Based on Island events from summer seasons past       •  5 pm  – Classic Car & Vintage Trailer Show Awards
          like the Pageant of Pulchritude and Splash Day, the   •  5:15 – 7 pm – Bathing Beauties Contest & Awards
          Galveston Island Beach Revue was resurrected into a
          contemporary two-day, family-friendly event in 2009.          AND MORE TO BE ANNOUNCED!
          The Galveston Island Beach Revue continues to grow
          each year through events, contestant participation,                        LOCATION
          and attendance and is officially the City of Galves-  The Galveston Island Beach Revue is held at Beach Cen-
          ton’s “Kickoff to Summer” event.                      tral, 2102 Seawall Blvd. Come down and spend a week-
                                                                end next to the historic Seawall Boulevard.
          The Revue features events Friday and Saturday cul-
          minating in the Bathing Beauties Contest. The con-          The WAVES TEAM will see ya there!
          test itself has become a must-see event as locals and
          tourists of all ages swarm the beach and seawall for
          a glimpse at the vintage swimsuits, parasols, and of
          course the “world famous” Bathing Beauties them-

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