Page 64 - Waves April
P. 64

The Ronald McDonald House

                                                              O   f     G   a   l   v   e   s   t   o   n

                                                                        Wish List April 2019 ish List April 2019 ish List April 2019 ish List April 2019 ish List April 2019 ish List April 2019
                                                                    •   Gallon zip-lock       •   Popsicles
                                                                        bags                  •   Sliced white bread
                                                                    •   Disposable cereal     •   Individual frozen
                                                                        bowls                     pizza
                                                                    •   Ice cream sand-       •   Napkins and paper
                                                                        wiches                    plates

           Ronald McDonald House To

                  Honor Sealy & Smith


               lease join the children, families and the Board of Direc-
               tors as we honor the Sealy & Smith Foundation as sig-
         P nificant contributors to the Ronald McDonald House of
         Galveston. Sealy & Smith have remained steadfast partners since
         our inception thirty years ago.  Truly members of our extend-
         ed family.  We are privileged to have an opportunity to express
         our gratitude, to pay tribute to, and to honor the Sealy & Smith
         Foundation at our upcoming 30th Anniversary Pearl Gala.

         An impressive force of dedicated volunteers worked hand in
         hand with generous benefactors to envision and develop the
         “house that love built”. Now thirty years have dashed past before
         our eyes, with the continued vision of amazing prospects in the
         future while we have already completed expansions, remodel-
         ing, and created covered play areas for children unable to play
         outside in sunshine. There is no stopping these visionaries who
         are proceeding once again with plans for the construction of an
         “out-of-doors” playground concept that will also fully protect
         our sensitive children.

         We need the help of the entire community, donations of lesser
         amounts as well as those of larger amounts. Every dollar is
         essential and meaningful. Join us at our 30th Anniversary Pearl            BENEFITTING
         Gala on May 18th  2019 at the Galveston Country Club for
                          an evening of extraordinary entertainment,                    Ronald
                          splendid cuisine, notable libations and                       McDonald
                           rousing activities as well as dancing to all                 House
                           your favorite music.
                                                                                        of Galveston
                            Call the Ronald McDonald House for
                             more details and for information on the  Volunteer opportunities await those who can share a few
                             purchase of tickets and sponsorships   hours of time or consider cooking a meal for the families or a
                              at 409-762-8770. Margie or Debbie are  game of Bingo…always a popular pastime in the evenings.
                              happy to assist you.
                                                                   Call the Ronald McDonald House of  Galveston at

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