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house. It isn’t long before the first murder
                                              takes place, right there on stage. The butler
                                              gets blown up on the stairs, just as he is
                                              explaining that dinner is ready and Lord
                                              Rancour is dead.
             CURTAIN GOING UP!
                                              Mayhem ensues as the guests and staff
                                              are picked off one by one through such
                                              other fiendishly clever concealed devices as
                                              a nerve-gas emitting telephone, a scarf-
                                              around-the neck-grabbing fireplace  and a
                                              flesh eating Ming vase leaving only Hope
         THEATRE REVIEW                       and  Geoffrey [whom, of course, have
                                              fallen in love] still standing.  Suddenly, a
                            by: Paul Hager    painting opens to reveal a Victrola, which

           Something’s Afoot                  contains the confession of Lord Rancour.   Grayburn it at Country Playhouse in Hous-

              Murder Most Funny                                                    ton while studying theatre at U of H.  This
                                                                                   is a show were, although it contains several
                                                                                   ensemble numbers, each character gets
                 omething’s Afoot is a murder                                      their own ‘turn’ with a song showcasing
                 mystery musical that spoofs                                       their talents.  Each and every actor rose to
                 detective stories, mainly the works                               the occasion – especially Stephanie Rascoe
                 of Agatha Christie, and espe-                                     Myers as Miss Tweed and Matt Poole as
        Scially her detective novel And                                            Nigel - and Trish Fozer’s musical direction
         Then There Were None (a.k.a. Ten Little                                   and her ‘marvelous musicians’ accompa-
         Indians). The book, music, and lyrics were                                niment enabled every singer’s voice to be
         written by James McDonald, David Vos, and                                 heard, side-stepping the audibility pitfall
         Robert Gerlach, with additional music by     Abby Gough  and Matt Poole   that has plagued other ETC musicals.  I was
         Ed Linderman.  Something’s Afoot opened   He himself had planned the murders, all   also most impressed with Jennifer Daugh-
         on Broadway at the Lyceum Theatre on   in order to let Hope inherit her fortune.   erty’s choreography – much more elaborate
         May 27, 1976 and closed on July 18 after 61   He had killed her parents and himself so   and intricate than I expected and the design
         performances and 13 previews. Pat Carroll   that she would never have the burden of a   team of Thomas Boone [scenic design],
         starred in a summer stock tour of the show   guardian, Clive because he had known of   Nancy Dougherty [costume design], and
         and A televised version was broadcast on   the existence of a child, Doctor Grayburn   Lisa Miller [lighting design] was ‘spot-on’
         the Showtime network in December 1982,   because she had delivered her, and Miss   in creating the perfect look for a gloomy
         starring Jean Stapleton as Miss Tweed and   Tweed because she had been Hope’s nanny.   English manor and its occupants.
         Andy Gibb as Geoffrey, supported by a cast   Rancour assumed that if the truth were
         of well-known Canadian actors.       revealed, the three of them would stand   One minor complaint.  I felt the special
                                              in her way. Nigel had been killed because   effects created to have the ‘diabolical
         As the show opens [set in 1935 at the coun-  he would have contested the will, Lettie   devices’ in the room commit the murders
         try estate of one Lord Dudley Rancour on   because she was blackmailing Rancour, and   left something to be desired.  Maybe this is
         an island in a lake], guests begin arriving with  Flint simply because he was “a gripper.”   just me having been in the show before and
         a rousing opening number for “A Marvelous   Rancour explains that each murder was   knowing what is called for in the script and
         Weekend”. They include all the clichés you   planned according to the victim’s habits:   how we pulled them off.
         can imagine in a murder mystery: The lovely   Clive punctually announced dinner on the
         ingenue (Haley Dougherty), the bristly army   stairs at 7:15, for example, when the bomb   In conclusion – to quote
         man (Bobby Hewitt), the dissolute nephew   was to be set off. Hope and Geoffrey drink   Chrish Kresge [another
         (Matt Poole), the calm doctor (Terri Burch-  a toast to the new world that awaits them.   director of Something’s
         field), the hysterical woman (Kerri  Foley)   However, they begin to feel ill as Rancour   Afoot] “Sometimes we just
         and the amateur detective (Stephanie Rascoe   explains that Flint’s death was meant to   crave entertainment—pure
         Myers) who seems to be smarter than any-  come from poisoned wine, which they have    unadulterated fun, with no
         one else there.  Joining them, of course, is   evidently just drunk and they fall dead.  agenda, no lesson to be
         the help: the stuffy butler (Michael Wonio),                              learned, no emotional toll to be taken.”
         the saucy maid (Abby Gough) and the folksy   The ETC cast gave an energetic, polished   ETC’s production was just the ticket!
         caretaker (Philip Graschel).  And last but   performance on the Saturday night I attend-
         not least, the mysterious last-minute guest   ed; Kim Mytelka’s direction kept the brisk   -Paul
         Geoffrey (Ali Masswi) who seems, at first, to   pace necessary for a musical farce.  I must   Hager
         be the obvious murderer.  A storm washes   admit I have a fondness for this particular
         out the bridge and everyone is trapped in the  musical as I appeared in it as a male Dr.
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