Page 39 - Waves Magazine July 2019
P. 39
Lina in the showroom, daily, helping five years. Carpet One Company will
customers alongside their employees, back the warranties even when a store
who are, primarily, generations of location has gone out of business,
their own family. but even Hurricane Ike didn’t close
Galveston Flooring and Furniture.
Growing up the Weaver children,
Fred, Tina and Michelle could be When Ike hit ten years ago, the
found helping at the store, spending Weaver family thought they would
evenings out measuring floors for be closing their doors forever, with
clients and assembling furniture. the entire loss of the showroom
Their niece Irma is now a sales and warehouse. Loyal customers
associate and continues that strong showed up, as they were cleaning,
work ethic, as she also embraces the and insisted there had to be a way to
passion of carrying on traditions and stay open. “One customer actually
running a family business. had us power wash the samples of
flooring, right in front of her, so she
Because they are passionate about the could pick out what she wanted for
community, the idea of competitive her home,” said Tom. Customers
pricing is also important, with a needed honest and reliable help and
range of flooring to furniture to the Weavers were there with only
home accessories that caters to every sample books from the manufactures
taste. and their store crumbling around
them, but they came back, started
Approximately half the store is of selling and helping their customers
a coastal style with the other half and never missed a beat.
being comprised of upscale, classic
and contemporary styles. With Galveston Island attracts strength
exclusive lines that can only be and dedication when it comes
found at their store, on the island, to overcoming life’s storms, of
customers find no need to venture any kind, and the Weavers have
off island when purchasing for their continued to share their devotion to
homes. The Bassett Design Center the community and their strength for
is an HGTV custom design center over 30 years. Even in their so-called
with upholstery and dining that can “retirement” they can be found at
be ordered and delivered in as little the store, daily, welcoming customers
as 30 days. Braxton Culler, Classic and working alongside their family
Rattan, Catnapper and Stanley Chair and friends.
are among the indoor furnishing
brands offered at the store. Store Hours:
Monday thru Friday 9am-6pm
With a huge selection of outdoor Saturdays 9am-5pm
furnishings, they offer CR Plastic
Products, Windward Design, Galveston Furniture
Wildridge, Backyard Furnishings
and Hunter Douglas. “We can help 4214 Broadway
with the colors, matching, styles and Galveston, Texas 77550
anything needed, right here,” said (409) 762-3213
sales associate, Melissa. With the
owners in house, customers know
they can rely on every aspect of the
sale being handled with top notch
customer care.
As a Carpet One Store, customers
can also depend on the warranties
that go beyond the usual year of
most stores. Restretching is no
charge for as long as the customer
has the carpet. Installation of
ceramic flooring is covered for a full
Waves Magazine | July 2019 Issue | 39