Page 43 - Waves Magazine July 2019
P. 43

will be swimming or how far you   and is running off  against the clicker, put your
                                                         can pull it; the retrieval might be   reel back into gear and then off  the clicker and
                                                         in half  turns of  your reel handle   the fight is back on. This should be done auto-
                                                         or many — it depends a bunch on   matically with any fish that’s about to be gaffed.
                                                         the fish, they are sort of  like us
                                                         humans, they have different per-  As with any sight fishing, polarized sunglasses
                                                         sonalities and attitudes. This heavy   and a dark underbilled hat are close to being
                                                         side pressure seems to somehow   must-use items; you can’t make a timely bait
                                                         disorient a big ling, allowing you   presentation if  you can’t see them as soon and as
                                                         lead it to the boat as if  it were on   long as possible. An example which shows you
                                                         a leash. While this may not sound   never know when that ling of  a lifetime is going
                                                         as sporty as a 30-minute battle,   to show happened on May 6, 2001 : it was on the
                                                         time is always on the fish’s side;   party boat Texsun Il out of  Galveston — I was
                                                         also, tournaments don’t give added   supposed to fish that day but something came up
                                                         points for long battles. Using this   and I couldn’t make the trip. The person fishing
                                                         tactic, I’ve brought several of  over   on my spot had never been offshore fishing. He
                                                         70# to the gaff  in about a minute   hooked into this monster of  a ling and was having
                                                         and a half. Unless you have a lot   some trouble handling the rod, and after a strug-
                                                         of  deck space to work with as   gle, he gave the rod over to one of  the deckhands,
                                                         on a party boat, for instance, a   who pulled on it a while and then turned the rod
           hook when it’s coming directly toward you, use   ling of  almost any size needs to   over to Capt. Johnny Williams. After about 45
           this method; give the rod an up sweep; the chance   go directly into an appropriate size cooler. On   minutes total, the brute was finally brought to
           of  a hookup is greater than a straight pull. In this   the deck, they can break your leg or worse, and   gaff. The thing was huge; Capt. Williams phoned
           situation, a “J” hook has a greater hookup poten-  destroy tackle, boxes, etc. Those 5 to 7 spines,   me to come to the dock to take some photos —
           tial. Use a horizontal or side sweep if  the ling is   remnants of  a ling’s first dorsal fin, are short,   I’m glad he did, it was the biggest ling any of  us
           sideways or going away from you; naturally, this   stiff  and sharp. Avoid them, they can inflict   had personally ever seen. At the dock, on certified
           sweep of  the rod is done in the opposite direction   serious, painful cuts very quickly. When a big ling   scales, it weighed 111 1/2  lbs.!! It would have
           that the ling is swimming.          is brought boat side the first time after this down   been, and would still be, the Texas State record;
                                               and dirty technique, a miss with the gaff  will re-  too bad it took the three of  them to get it in. This
           After the hookup, the next round of  fun begins.   sult in a strong and long run. This is also the time   just shows you never know what’s going to take
           Most hooked ling will come to the near surface   when your chances of  losing your prize escalate,   your bait and that you had better be ready.
           area at some point. When one comes up shallow   its weight falling against the reel’s drag can result
           quickly, with heavy side/horizontal rod pres-  in a broken line or pulled hook. When the gaff  or   The bottom line is watching what’s going on, hav-
           sure, they can be brought to boat side quickly.   gaffs are struck home, step back a step, quickly   ing a plan that gets your bait presentation into the
           This tactic, called “down and dirty” is basically   put your reel’ s clicker on and the reel out of  gear.   strike zone and having a good fighting strategy
           applying heavy rod and drag pressure to the left   If  your ling comes off  the gaff, it will fall against   and the tackle to do the job may produce your
           if  it’s swimming to your right and making it turn   the clicker. This does two things you need most   ling of  a lifetime. Use the tried and proven true
           and swim to your left. As it turns and starts left,   at this point, preventing a pulled hook or broken   rigging, baits and tackle as outlined, along with
           your pressure on the line pulls it somewhat in   line, and preventing a backlash while letting it run   the fighting and gaffing techniques recommended.
           your direction, as you retrieve as much line as you   off  against the slight pressure of  the clicker. You   They will go a long way in assisting you to bring
           can. As it passes in front of  you and to your left,   may do this with thumb pressure, but I guarantee   your ling of  a lifetime to the boat and into the
           horizontal pressure to the right is applied. Repeat   you that the dumbest, properly working clicker   cooler—springtime, summertime and beyond.
           as necessary, this side pulling, swimming direction   is smarter than the smartest human thumb! Over
           changes and the retrieving of  your line will bring   the years, I’ve saved numerous sizeable fish of   Patrick
           a big ling to boat side quickly. The line retrieval   varied species with this “on the clicker and out of
           will naturally depend upon how much closer it   gear” move. When your ling has its second chance    Lemire

                                                                                    Waves Magazine | July 2019 Issue | 43
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