Page 46 - Waves Magazine July 2019
P. 46


                    The Summer Of  1969

                  Changing Of  A Nation

            At Waves, we strive to focus our history articles strictly on the intense historical
           significance of Galveston. From the picturesque architecture that line our streets to
           the men and woman whom built (and rebuilt) the foundation of culture, family and
            business life on the Island. Sharing the historical data is a way for locals to gain a
                              deeper connection to Galveston.

         However, this month we want to slip away to events that had an impact on the Island’s
          culture to some degree while having massive impact on the culture of the entire na-
         tion. Everyone knows the 60’s was a revolutionary time in America. But it was the year
           1969 that capped off the decade and brought many of its ideas to a crashing end in
                       some circumstances, while shedding light on others.

           The year was 1969. The nation pleaded to give peace a chance. While the Vietnam
          War raged in the background, “flower power” reigned at Woodstock. Military conflict
          ravaged Southeast Asia, Central America, Northern Ireland, Africa, Czechoslovakia,
          the Soviet Union and elsewhere. Human ingenuity took us to the moon for the first
          time, while tarnished human nature gave us the Manson Family murders, the Stone-
                         wall Riots, and the Chappaquiddick drowning.

                Man On The Moon              who were visiting at the time, and an 18-year-  and order was not restored until the de-
                                             old visitor, who was slain as he was departing   ployment of New York’s riot police.
                          On July 16, 1969,   the home. Polanski was not present on the night
                          three astronauts—  of the murders, as he was working on a film   The Stonewall Riots were followed by
                          Neil Armstrong,    in Europe. Manson, a would-be musician, had   several days of demonstrations in New
                          Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin,   previously attempted to enter into a recording   York and was the impetus for the forma-
                          and Michael Collins—  contract with record producer Terry Melcher,   tion of the Gay Liberation Front as well as
                          blasted off for the   who was a previous renter (from May 1966 to   other gay, lesbian and bisexual civil rights
                          moon in Apollo 11.   Jan. 1969) of the house along with musician   organizations. It’s also regarded by many as
         Four days later, Armstrong and Aldrin land-  Mark Lindsay and Melcher’s then-girlfriend,   history’s first major protest on behalf of
         ed on the moon’s surface in a lunar module,   actress Candice Bergen. Melcher had snubbed   equal rights for homosexuals.
         “taking one giant leap for mankind,” and   Manson, leaving him disgruntled.
         spent three hours walking around, picking
         up dirt and rocks, doing experiments and      Stonewall Riots               Drowning in Chappaquiddick
         planting an American flag.
                                                               On June 28, 1969, just                  On July 18, 1969,
             Manson Family Murders                             after 3 a.m., a police raid             shortly after leaving
                                                               of the Stonewall Inn—a                  a party on Chap-
                                                               gay club located on New                 paquiddick Island,
                          On August 8-9, 1969,                 York City’s Christopher                 Senator Edward
                          Charles Manson and                   Street—turned violent                   “Ted” Kennedy
                          his “Manson Family”                  as patrons and local                    of Massachu-
                          undertook a murder   sympathizers begin rioting against the police.   setts drove his Oldsmobile off a wooden
                          rampage in California.   Although the police were legally justified in   bridge into a tide-swept pond. Kenne-
                          At Manson’s com-   raiding the club, which was serving liquor   dy escaped the submerged car, but his
                          mand, his followers
         horrifically murdered five people at 10050   without a license among other violations, New   passenger, 28-year-old Mary Jo Kopechne,
                                             York’s gay community had grown weary of the
                                                                                     did not. The senator did not report the
         Cielo Drive in Los Angeles, the Benedict   police department targeting gay clubs, many   fatal car accident for 10 hours. Driving
         Canyon home of Roman Polanski, includ-  of which had already been closed. Soon, the   the 28-year-old staff worker home after a
         ing the director’s wife, Sharon Tate. They   crowd began throwing bottles at the police. The  party, Kennedy ignited a scandal with the
         murdered Tate, who was eight and a half   protest spilled over into the neighboring streets,  drowning—people questioned why she
         months pregnant, along with three friends
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