Page 49 - Waves Magazine July 2019
P. 49
Downtown Enter tainment , Cuisine , Events & Shopping
prevention program in Uganda, Chavez for riends and tools to build on their goals and aspira-
Charity, a US based cause related company, family come tions. That conversation started the wheels
Pure Vida, a fair trade and cause related F from all forms turning on how to give young people an
company in Costa Rica, 4Oceans, an orga- of relationships that outlet for their own artwork and how they
nization that cleans up the trash that litters build out of the best could gain business experience that could
the coastline and oceans worldwide and of circumstances and last a lifetime.
other companies that are being brought on sometimes out of a
board. sense of finding where Fosters and Friends will be spotlighting
Foster & Friends you belong. Marna artwork and crafts made by children in
Amongst many Meier and Tania Ri- foster care and their many friends. With
worldwide orga- vaux have experienced the reality of adding all the family and friends involved in the
nizations that also family and friends from every walk of life. aspects of business and retail sales, the
help children as life lessons have already started for the
Bel Pri they transition from Tania’s mother, Lois Rivaux has fostered al- “Fosters and Friends.”
orphanages to adult most 100 children over the years, including
life, Bel Pri’s owners are planning to launch , Bel Pri’s owners are planning to launch many patients from Shriners Burn Hospital. Open Wednesday- Saturday 10-6 and
a line of bracelets that benefit survivors of The relationships built through the foster Sundays 1-4, Marna and Tania will take
human trafficking. Starting in the Fall of program have given them all the opportuni- items a season ahead and are always
2019, the proceeds of those bracelets will ty to grow a never-ending circle of friends up for learning about their community,
benefit organizations that assist survivors and family. This became the basis for their the people and their precious items.
and rescue individuals in the Houston and recent opening of “Fosters and Friends” The online presence of the shop is
Dallas, Fort Worth areas. consignment shop at 2612 Market Street. the next goal for the owners and their
Facebook page is already growing with
Bel Pri is a great place to host an event or “We saw a need for a full-time consignment sales and posts.
party, as well. “We’ve already worked with shop in Galveston. It’s a good service for
people on custom orders and stamped the community,” said Tania. Having both
jewelry for parties. We love to do more of grown up in Galveston, Tania and Marna
that side of the business as well,” says De- are life-long friends who want to ensure
nise and Shara. A preview of the products, that each and every piece that comes into
artisans’ stories and information about the their shop, has a story and every person
store can be found at and on that walks in their shop has a chance to tell
their Facebook page. their story and leave their treasures in caring
hands. When they found the space on mar-
Bel Pri is Open Monday through ket street, they knew it was perfect for these
Thursday 9 AM to 6 PM p.m. Friday goals and the dream quickly evolved into a
and Saturday 10 AM to 9 PM and small shop with a huge heart for people and Foster & Friends
Sunday 11 AM to 6 PM. animals.
They donate 5% of sales directly to Shri-
ner’s and local animal shelters. “Human
Foster interaction is what I like the most about the
consignment business,” said Tania. From
personal belongings that came from their
Friends own families to items left by island families,
hoping to sell their treasures to the next
Consignment Shop person ready to respect and love their heir- Foster & Friends
looms, the shop is full of unique items, one
of a kind items and gifts for everyone.
Fosters & Friends Tania’s adopted younger brother, Osiel,
Consignment Shop oversees the toy area. He spends time
2612 Market Street arranging and making sure that each toy is
ready for a new owner. Marna had noticed
Galveston, TX 77550 her college aged daughter, Emily was always
P: (409) 526-7005 happiest when she was busy. Marna, her
fosterandfriendsconsignment daughter, and Tania discussed the need to
keep young people busy and give them the
Foster & Friends
Waves Magazine | July 2019 Issue | 49