Page 54 - Waves Magazine July 2019
P. 54
Jan & Dean
Jan & Dean
Dear Jan & Dean “witches” name third, then your last name. For example, Mary
Jane “Witch” Smith. Usually, in most circumstances, your
I am in a dilemma and I don’t know what to do. My driver’s license, etc.; just use your first and middle names. This
husband of one year and I are having a baby soon. I way, you can have her name included, but it will eventually fall
am so happy and excited about this, but something has away. If Josh doesn’t agree with this suggestion, then about
happened recently that has taken all the enjoyment com- all I can do is wish you the best of luck.
pletely out of it.
It has to do with naming our baby. The baby will be t always gets me when I see the “my spouse
a girl. My husband wants to name our baby after his is siding with my in-laws” questions. Nothing
mother!!! I can’t stand his mother and she can’t stand Imuch worse in a relationship that a spouse can
me. She is a complete witch! We get along just for the do than to put their parents’ feelings above their
sake of getting along, and nothing more. spouses.
I told my husband Josh that I would not name our baby I have seen this put relationships under heavy stress many
after his mother. No way! He then said, well how about times. A spouse should stand by their spouse. I realize that
the middle name? Again, I said no. Ever since then we all love our parents and want to please them from cradle
he has been throwing regular fits about this. I’m still to grave, but when a person enters matrimony, the spouse
holding my ground. I will not name our baby after his comes first.
mother. He knows how his mother and I feel about each
other, but he is siding with his mother. Not a bad idea Jan has about putting good ol’ mama’s name
third or fourth on the list. If hubby goes for that then that is
This should be a wonderful time in our lives, but it’s good news for you. However, I think the issue runs deeper
turned into a complete nightmare. Please help me. I’m than this. You stated that you have only been married for a
crying myself to sleep every night. year. I hope this isn’t a trend where your husband always takes
his mom’s side. That will cause you to lose all respect for him
- Hurt Hannah and we all know what that means.
Well, I don’t know how you got yourself tangled
with up a mama’s boy and a mother-in-law from
hell. That is beyond me, but as the old saying goes,
love works in mysterious ways. Anyway, that’s water
under the bridge. What I can do is provide you
with a suggestion.
There are a lot of people that have been named more than
just a first and middle name. (I know a few of them.) I would
make the first and middle names what you want, then put the
HAVE A QUESTION FOR JAN & DEAN? Go to & ask away. You just might have your question answered next month.
54 | Waves Magazine | July 2019 Issue