Page 50 - Waves Magazine July 2019
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          It’s a neighborhood                                                     more of  the ever-growing downtown
          feel with a trendy                                                      area around their business. A quick
          and, literally, spar-                                                   walk or ride in the golf  cart allows
          kling atmosphere                                                        them to experience the culinary
          of  fashion, fun and                                                    delights and one-of-a-kind products
          island relaxation.                                                      that can only be found in downtown

                                                                                       New favorite restaurants:
                                                                                    •  Shark Shack at 24th and Strand
                                                                                    •  Gypsy Joynt Jive, 2411A Strand
                                                                                    •  Coastal Grill, 1827 Strand Street

                                                                                         One-of-a-kind finds:
                                                                                    Go Nuts and Beans at the Peanut
                                                                                  Butter Warehouse makes fresh, home-
                Pat and Michelle Robach                                            flavors, along with coffee for sale by
                                                                                    made peanut butter in a variety of

                             Blu Boutique                                            the cup and beans for purchase.

                                                                                     Art and collectibles shopping:
                                                                                    Peanut Butter Warehouse 102 20th
          Galveston’s downtown area               at and Michelle Robach start-
          is known for the diversity of           ed with their small boutique      Amazing pizza and Italian food:
            architecture and people.              on Post Office Street, which       Momma Teresa’s, 416 21st Street
                                         P eventually grew into a much
            Many of the visitors who     larger boutique and bar on Strand Street.    Galveston gem for food and
           come to the island want to    Within the last few years of  owning Blu               drinks:
                                         Boutique and Bar downtown, they’ve
            know what the locals do,     fully embraced the downtown life that      Press box, 2401 Post Office Street
            where they eat and their     comes with being in the shop every day.
                 favorite spots.                                                     Live music and weekend fun:
                                         The bar, within the boutique, offers      Our very own Blu Boutique and Bar
            Downtown Currents will       champagne, wine, beer, a screen for       at 25th and Strand Street, Live Music
           highlight a downtown resi-    watching the games, live music on the      Saturdays from 3-7, Sundays 12-4.
          dent and/or business owner     weekends and has developed into quite a
           each month to share their     hot spot for locals and tourists to sit and    See Blu Boutique’s
           secret, well known and not    have a drink.                                   Advertisment on
            so well-known favorites.                                                           Page 14.
                                         The Robachs can be found talking, laugh-
                                         ing and enjoying customers, as they intro-
                                         duce them to the latest drinks in the bar
                                         or the newest lines of  unusual and hard
                                         to find items in the boutique. It’s a neigh-
                                         borhood feel with a trendy and, literally,
                                         sparkling atmosphere of  fashion, fun and
                                         island relaxation.
                                                                                                    Blu Boutique
                                         After purchasing their new golf  cart                        2425 Strand
                                         from “Mister Golf  Cart” on Broadway                     Galveston, TX 77550
                                         Avenue, the Robachs are exploring even                     (409) 220-3564
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