Page 47 - Waves Magazine July 2019
P. 47

was in the car with him, and whether he had   young people strongly opposed. It was also   heart is now in the Smithsonian Institution
        been drinking. On July 25, Kennedy pleaded   the era of the civil rights movement, a period   in Washington.
        guilty to leaving the scene of an accident,   of great unrest and protest.
        received a two-month suspended sentence,                                   Its legacy can be seen in the mechanical
        and had his license suspended for a year.   Woodstock was an opportunity for people to   cardiac parts people now take for grant-
        That evening, in a televised statement, he   escape into music and spread a message of   ed -- valves, pacemakers and, most of all,
        called the delayed reporting of the accident   unity and peace. Despite—or because of—a   support devices that currently help diseased
        “indefensible” but vehemently denied that   lot of sex, drugs, rock ‘n’ roll and rain, Wood-  hearts better pump blood. Nothing stimu-
        he been involved in any improprieties with   stock was a peaceful celebration and earned its  lated interest in the new field like Cooley’s
        Kopechne. He also asked his constituents to   hallowed place in pop culture history.  audacious effort to save a dying patient with
        help him decide whether to continue his po-                                the help of a device previously deemed not
        litical career. Receiving a positive response,                             ready for use in people.
        he resumed his senatorial duties at the end
        of a month.                          Houston Surgeon Implants First
                                                       Artificial Heart
           Drugs, Sex, And Rock And
                       Roll                                   A little closer to home,
                                                              on April 04, 1969,
                          On August 15, 1969,                 Dr. Denton Cooley
                          the Woodstock                       implanted the first
                          Music Festival took                 complete artificial heart
                          place, drawing more                 in a human being. The
                          than a half-million                 device, developed at
                          people to a dairy   Cooley’s Cullen Cardiovascular Laboratories
                          farm in Bethel, New   in Houston, kept the patient, Haskell Karp,
        York. The “three days of peace and music”   alive for sixty-four hours until a suitable heart
        became the defining counterculture event   donor was found. Karp died thirty-two hours
        of the 1960s—a peaceful happening despite   after receiving a new human heart, from
        the combination of drugs, sex, and rock and   pneumonia and renal failure, but his experi-
        roll. The country was deep into the contro-  ence proved the viability of the artificial heart
        versial Vietnam War, a conflict that many   as a temporary measure. That first artificial
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